La Locomotive a Vapeur: English Edition
Camden Miniature Steam Services
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Les Locomotives a Vapeur - Des Types 60, 62, 64 & 81 de la SNCB
Trix Marklin
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Loco Profile - Issue 29: Austrian 2-8-4s
Profile Publications
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Locomotives & Railcars of the Spanish Narrow Gauge Public Railways
Industrial Railway Society
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Lokomotiv- und Triebwagen-Lexikon Deutsche Bundesbahn Stand 1. 1. 1980
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Metro Insolite
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NMBS/SNCB Retro 1960 & 92
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Norske lok og motorvogner 1.1.1982
Norsk Jernbaneklubb
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Frank Stenvalls
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Reseau Breton: A Railway Network in Brittany (X 65)
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Strassenbahnen in West- und Ostpreussen
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